RedHead Gang

Leaders:  Valeria2018 & Emma_Louise

Gang Leaders: -Kaneki-_Teena_

Let me tell you a story… 

A story of a natural redhead girl, struggling to make friends as she was always abused for her hair colour. ‘All Redheads are Witches!’ –her friends used to say… 

So one day she went blonde to “fit in”. 
But it was not to be. She was never the same fun-loving free soul once she decided to go by the norms of society.

She realized, she looks best with what she naturally is, a true redhead.. Because that’s her true self, that’s what she is!

Then something magical happened, for the first time in a long time…She smiled!

THE REDHEADGANG is not just about people with red/ginger hair.  It’s about people who do not give into society’s norms to “fit in”.

 It’s about people who believe they should have the freedom of choice to become who they really are!

 A rebel with fire in the belly, a free spirit, an open mind to accept everyone as they are. This is what we really believe in, and join us if you do the same too!

“Remember, Red, hope is a good thing, maybe the best of things, and no good thing ever dies.”

Stephen King 


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